Donation of Müller-BBM Holding AG to Ukrainian people in need
In Ukraine, the situation in the war zones is worrying. Many people are fleeing and no longer have a home. The need for humanitarian aid is immense, which is why Müller-BBM also wants to provide targeted support to people in need.
We decided to distribute an amount of EUR 50,000 among six aid organizations to achieve the broadest possible allocation.
On May 2nd, 2022, Norbert Suritsch, CEO of Müller-BBM Holding AG, symbolically handed over a check to Andrea Wüst from the Children's Rights Action Team of UNICEF-AG Munich. In addition, Ärzte ohne Grenzen e.V., UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V., Save the Children Deutschland e.V., the association Grenzenlose Wärme Refugee Relief Work e.V. and the regionally based WürmtalTisch of the Protestant Diakonieverein received donations.
Müller-BBM is committed to peace and solidarity for the people who are now in need because of the Russian invasion.