Müller-BBM Group

The entire competence and experience of the Müller-BBM Group is behind the services and products of all corporate companies. All companies benefit from the excellent in-house facilities, such as special laboratories, testing facilities and modern lecture halls.

Most characteristic for quality at Müller-BBM are the employees that face the various challenges of their customers with highly professional competence, responsibility and enthusiasm. Qualitative market leadership in our fields of work is the standard we are aiming at. We pursue this goal with a strategy that relies on competence, independence and innovation.


Müller-BBM Building Solutions GmbH

Internationally active engineering company for consulting and planning services for building construction projects and the real estate sector. 

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Müller-BBM Industry Solutions GmbH

One of the internationally leading engineering companies in the competence fields of technology and environment.

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BBM Akustik Technologie GmbH

One of the world’s leading provider of industrial sound insulation solutions.

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Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH

Among the global market leaders in multi-channel measurement technology

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M +P – raadgevende ingenieurs

Netherland-based technical consulting company working at international level. Focus on: Noise, vibrations, air pollution and building physics.

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Müller-BBM Active Sound Technology

Leading global provider of Active Noise Control and Sound Design, especially for automotive applications.

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Müller-BBM Projektmanagement GmbH

Planning and approval management as well as feasibilty studies and evaluation of locations for industrial and commercial projects.

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BBM Testlab GmbH

Product tests using the latest state-of-art methods strictly from the end user's point of view.

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Müller-BBM Acoustic Solutions GmbH

Electro-acoustic systems for prolongation of reverberation time and acoustical effects

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Müller-BBM Cert Umweltgutachter GmbH
Certification and Verification Services
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Müller-BBM IT Services GmbH
Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Informationstechnologie und elektronischen Datenverarbeitungmehr Informationen

Müller-BBM Rail Technologies GmbH
Weltweite Entwicklung und Vertrieb von Messgeräten, Monitoringsystemen und Software für Bahnsysteme
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