

  • 1946 Lothar Cremer is granted a licence to run a business as »consulting engineer for acoustic technology for structural engineering« in Munich.
  • 1954 Lothar Cremer becomes director of the Institute for Technical Acoustics at the Technical University of Berlin [Technische Universität Berlin]; the »Prof. Cremer Laboratory for Acoustic Technology« is continued in Munich by his student Helmut A. Müller.
  • 1958 Helmut A. Müller takes over the Munich office from Lothar Cremer and continues to run it under his own name as the »Laboratory for Acoustic Technology of Dipl.-Phys. [Graduate in Physics] Helmut A. Müller«. The new areas of industrial noise control, noise control for urban planning, and noise control in shipbuilding are added to the original primary business areas of room and building acoustics. The company begins to acquire an international reputation.
  • 1962

    Helmut A. Müller turns his Laboratory for Acoustic Technology into the newly-formed »Müller-BBN GmbH«. The company is formed by five partners: Helmut A. Müller, Prof. Lothar Cremer, Ludwig Schreiber, Dr. Manfred Heckl and »Bolt Beranek Newman Inc.« (BBN) from Cambridge, Mass. (US).

  • 1972 »Bolt Beranek Newman Inc.« sells its interest in the company. The company name is changed to »Müller-BBM GmbH«. The company acquires shares in »M+P raadgevende ingenieurs bv« in the Netherlands.
  • 1989 Formation of »Müller-BBM Verwaltungs- und Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH« as holding company of the Müller-BBM Group.
  • 1991 Formation of »BBM Technik GmbH«, a manufacturer of special noise control systems.
  • 1996 »M+P raadgevende ingenieurs bv« becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Müller-BBM holding company and now has offices in Aalsmeer und Vught.
  • 1997 »Müller-BBM VibroAkustik Systeme GmbH« is formed to extend the acoustic measurement systems division. Today, the company has subsidiaries in France, the US, China, Korea and the Netherlands.
  • 2001 Acquisition of a majority interest in »BBM GERB Akustik GmbH« and expansion of the noise control systems division. Acquisition of a majority interest in the »Orga Lab GmbH« environmental analysis laboratory in Zirndorf, Nuremberg.
  • 2005Extension of the noise control systems business area by complete takeover of »BBM GERB Akustik GmbH« and merger with »BBM Technik GmbH» to form »BBM Akustik Technologie GmbH«. Acquisition of shares in manufacturing company »Röhring-BBM GmbH« in Coswig, Dresden. Acquisition of a majority interest in »IBAS Ingenieurgesellschaft für Bauphysik, Akustik und Schwingungstechnik mbH« in Bayreuth. Formation of consulting engineering company »Müller-BBM International GmbH« with offices in Beijing and Moscow. Formation of manufacturing company »BBM Acoustic (India) Pvt. Ltd.« in Pune.
  • 2008Formation of consulting company »Müller-BBM Projektmanagement GmbH«.
  • 2009Formation of »Müller-BBM Holding AG«, the new holding company for the Müller-BBM Group. Formation of »Müller-BBM Active Sound Technology GmbH« for the development and sale of active noise control and sound design systems. Formation of consulting engineering company »Müller-BBM Austria GmbH« in Bad Ischl.
  • 2010Acquisition of a majority interest in »mas münster analytical solutions GmbH«, a dioxin analysis laboratory in Münster. Acquisition of consulting engineering company »BFB Büro für Baudynamik GmbH« in Stuttgart. Formation of consulting engineering company »Müller-BBM Schweiz AG« in Basel.
  • 2011 Extension of business area product tests by formation of »BBM Testlab GmbH« Merger of »Orga Lab GmbH« with »Müller-BBM GmbH« Merger of »BFB Büro für Baudynamik GmbH« in Stuttgart with »Müller-BBM GmbH«
  • 2012 Formation of »Müller-BBM Cert GmbH«, Planegg as 100% subsidiary of »Müller-BBM Holding AG«. Acquisition of a majority interest of »Müller-BBM Austria GmbH« in »Tomberger-BBM GmbH«, Graz, Austria. Acquisition of »SDI-Gesellschaft für Medientechnologie GmbH«, Planegg.
  • 2013 Merger of »SDI Gesellschaft für Medientechnologie mbH« with »Müller-BBM GmbH«Acquisition of a majority interest in »CPG Inc.« (USA) by »BBM Akustik Technologie GmbH«
  • 2014 Merger of »Isconlab GmbH« with »Müller-BBM GmbH«
  • 2015 Formation of »BBM Gerber GmbH« in Dortmund as 100% subsidiary of »BBM Akustik Technologie GmbH«


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